Projects I have worked on that demonstrate my web development skills and knowledge.
All projects showcased are hosted somewhere on the internet and are Github repositories.
SIBI Activity Search
Volunteering Effort
A responsive React web app that pulls in spreadsheet data and allows the user to search for activities and services within an area of the patient's postcode. Please use a Brent postcode when testing the app e.g. HA9 7LE
CVS Brent, a not-for-profit organization that provides community support, had a spreadsheet they were using in their Social Isolation in Brent Initiative (SIBI).
The initiative allows health care professionals help people that are isolated due to health and social problems, find activities and services they might be interested in.
Initially, social and health care professionals would have to contact CVS Brent to get this information. Searching for a particular activity or service on a spreadsheet that contained 1600 entries proved difficult. Making this information readily available to the health care workers, as a web application, saved time for CVS Brent.
Interactive Pricing Component
Coding Challenge
This challenge was provided by Frontend Mentor, a website that allows web developers to test their knowledge and skills by taking on various coding challenges ranging from beginner to novice.
This fun little component built with React renders two outputs to the screen that change depending on user interaction. I built this React component without JSX to learn and understand the syntax of using React without the need for Babel and or a bundler like Webpack. By using JSX-less React, we can build small components and integrate them into existing websites that were not originally built with React.
Unsplash App
Stock Photography Viewer
The app allows users to view photos, search for photos, explore random photos, and save photos from the Unsplash stock photography website.
Unsplash App consumes various endpoints from the Unsplash stock photography API. The Unsplash website is a popular resource for web developers and is used by photography enthusiasts to showcase their photography.
While creating Unsplash App I solidified and improved my knowledge of React, Redux, React Router, and styled-components.